Market Development - Your Boots on the Ground for Local Success
If anyone knows that a plan can change, it’s a grower. Weather events, diseases, pests and even market conditions can throw a wrench into the ideal growing plan. But as growers face mounting pressure to have high-performing and high-yielding produce crops, who can they call to help make the necessary shifts and adjustments for an optimal harvest and sale? For Bayer, the answer is easy – their Market Development team (MD).
Bayer’s MD team includes expert regional agronomists who support growers at the field level to help find and recommend the right varieties and management practices that work for their fields.

To give MD team members more time to walk and talk with growers in their fields, the R&D team is developing a core group that will take over early pipeline trials. MD team members will continue to work closely with R&D to make sure they are communicating grower challenges and needs, so Bayer is bringing forward the strongest varieties backed by meaningful data. MDRs then share that information with growers so they have the insights they need to make better informed decisions about their variety and management decisions.
The MD team is leveraging digital technology to delivery and capture more data than ever before – virtually and in-person.
With more boots on the ground, MDRs will have more access and availability to meet with growers, which allows them to better answer questions and/or provide personalized recommendations for best management practices – from seed selection, to crop protection, to the implementation of new technology advancements from one of Bayer’s trusted global partners.

So, we’re tapping into our MD team to do what they do best, work closely with growers to find solutions – from the seed and beyond – that work for them to ensure they have a successful growing season. They’ll be more readily available to discuss what they are seeing in grower fields and provide context from throughout their region as well as with R&D. They’ll work closely with breeders to bring in their expertise at critical points and help identify what varieties have the strongest market potential. This allows MDRs to observe, track and gather increased data. Given their field and agronomic experience, MDRs can observe what happens regionally and create pre-emptive recommendations to increase success and/or prevent potential challenges they foresee given agronomic trends, weather and pest control management.
We know there is no guarantees when it comes to farming, which is why we continue to focus on providing a positive experience to growers. Outside factors can change a grower’s plan, and when it does, our MDRs are there as a resource and a partner to help them successfully navigate those shifts. Together, we will continue to be on the forefront of innovation and sustainability, so growers don’t have to face those pressures alone.