Let’s get to work to ensure a healthier harvest that will lead to a healthier world. Connect with a local team member to find products that suit the needs of your business.

From changes in climate to eroding soil to pests and disease, you’re up against challenges that are difficult to predict. That’s why we’re more than an innovative vegetable seed company, we’re your partner in growth, working to craft solutions that will lead to greater efficiency – and results.
Your partner in the field
No two fields are exactly alike. Our global team of local experts will work with you in your operation, discovering your unique environmental challenges and meeting them with unique solutions. When paired with our global research & development network, we have the power and the reach to innovate quickly, ensuring you can supply your customers with products that transport well, look beautiful and taste delicious.

Grow your predictability
We know that when it comes to open field growing, the only certainty is uncertainty. But, working together, we can manage your risks with products that balance agronomic traits with the demands of the market. So that from day to day and season to season, you can stay on top of the risks and ahead of your competition.