Seminis is committed to providing growers with excellence in seed health, the most optimal ways to care for their seed, and information at their fingertips to ensure they have the best chances at success.
Seed Handling & Storage Recommendations
Seeds are living organisms and careful handling and good storage can contribute to their high performance. Bayer recommends all vegetable seed should be used in two years or less from purchase (depending on crop). The following information can help achieve a good shelf life.
Storage Temperature & Humidity
High temperatures and humidity can affect seed by reducing its vigor and ability to germinate. Therefore, seed should be stored in a cool, dry area, out of the sun and in unopened packages. Bayer packs its seed at industry recommended moisture percentages and packages must be kept unopened to prevent humidity from damaging the seeds. Cans, foils and pouches are air and water tight.
Transport of Seed
When seed is shipped, it is advised to have similar conditions as above mentioned temperatures in storage. Avoid exposure to high temperatures or fluctuation in temperature during transport. Recommendation to transport seeds in temperature conditioned container. It should not be stored near a heat source or in direct sun.

Handle Seed Carefully
Handle the seed carefully to avoid damaging it. Seed can be damaged by rough handling. Seeds have a hard, but fragile coating protecting the living organism within. Bean, Pea, Sweet corn and pelleted seeds are especially susceptible to damage from rough handling (skin cracks or broken pellets). Bags of these seeds should not be thrown or dropped because the seed coats and embryos can crack, resulting in a seed that won’t develop properly.
Carry Over Inventory
Bayer recommends all seed should be used in two years or less from purchase. A germination test update by an ISTA accredited lab is advised on carry over inventory, with a minimum of once per year, before the sowing period.
Carry over inventory is not advised for certain seeds:
- Insecticide treated seeds
- Primed Lettuce
- Beans, Onions
Bayer Recommends
- Storing seed in the original package in an air-conditioned room with storage temperature of 15°C (59°F)
- Avoid temp above 20°C (68°F)
- Avoid temp below 1°C (41°F)
- Storing seeds packed in paper bags at Relative Humidity 40-60%
- Certain seeds are more sensitive and are labelled specifically with:
- Store at 8°C
- Store at 8°C and use within 12 months
- Consider reduced shelf life once package is opened
Tip: use a household refrigerator for small quantities
Primed Seeds
Priming is a method to enhance the speed and uniformity of germination. Water is added to seeds in a controlled manner; they are then allowed to develop for a certain period, until seeds are dried back again. During priming, the germination process is started, without allowing radicle emergence to take place.

Benefits of primed seeds:
- Better and faster emergence
- More uniform emergence and (trans)plants
- Increased tolerance to stress conditions
- Tolerance to wider range of temperatures
In general, the shelf life of primed seeds is as good as unprimed seeds if stored in the right storage conditions.

Bayer – Crop Science, Monsanto Holland B.V
Leeuwenhoekweg 52, 2661 CZ, Bergschenhoek, The Netherlands
All information concerning the products or technologies given orally or in writing by Monsanto Holland B.V. or its employees or agents, including the information in this document is given in good faith, but is not to be taken as a representation or warranty by Monsanto Holland B.V. as to the performance or suitability of those products or technologies, which may depend on local climatic conditions and other factors. Pictures on this page are illustrative. Monsanto Holland B.V. assumes no liability for any such information.
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