Our new variety Paxtor achieved outstanding results in the current spring trial 2024 of the State Office for Environment, Agriculture and Geology (LfULG). Paxtor impressed with its high yield potential, appealing class 1 fruit, and excellent storability. Resistance to Px (IR) and Cca/Ccu (HR) ensures robust development. The ideal choice for growers who want to maximize productivity and quality.

Yield potential & quality
With an average fruit length of 32 cm and a fruit weight of over 400g, Paxtor showed impressive uniformity in the size favored by the food retail trade and achieved a fruit weight comparable to that of proven varieties. Its excellent fruit shape and vibrant color make it not only a yield favorite, but also an eye-catcher on the market. It is particularly noteworthy that Paxtor was one of the highest-yielding varieties in the LfULG's 2024 spring trial with an impressive 91.2 cucumbers per m². These yields were maintained at a consistent level throughout the entire cultivation period. This makes Paxtor a high-yielding and reliable variety.

Shelf life and market quality
Another important criterion for marketing is the shelf life of the fruit. In storage trials, Paxtor showed an excellent shelf life: while most parent fruits had a shelf life of up to 9 days, Paxtor was still marketable after 13 days at 40%. This is particularly favorable for the marketing and distribution of the fruit.
Resistance to diseases
Diseases and pests that can affect yields are a decisive factor in cultivation. No serious diseases such as powdery mildew or Fusarium occurred in this trial. Nevertheless, the resistance reporter against Px (IR1) and Cca/Ccu (HR2) offers excellent potential for reducing spraying costs. Despite the high infestation pressure from Stengelbotytis from CW18, the effects on Paxtor were minimal (~2.5%), while other varieties suffered from losses up to 20%.
Conclusion: Paxtor - a worthwhile investment!
With all these positive characteristics, Paxtor showed an outstanding performance in spring cultivation and is one of the best options for the coming spring. The combination of high yield potential, high quality fruits, excellent storability and a remarkable resistance portfolio makes this variety a promising choice for the coming cucumber season.
Take the opportunity to integrate Paxtor into your cultivation program and benefit from the advantages of this promising variety!
Resistant varieties may exhibit some disease symptoms or damage under heavy pest pressure. Two levels of resistance are defined.
- High Resistance (HR): plant varieties that highly restrict the growth and/or development of the specified pest and/or the damage it causes under normal pest pressure when compared to susceptible varieties. These plant varieties may, however, exhibit some symptoms or damage under heavy pest pressure.
- Intermediate Resistance (IR): plant varieties that restrict the growth and/or development of the specified pest and/or the damage it causes but may exhibit a greater range of symptoms or damage compared to high resistant varieties. Plants with Intermediate Resistance will still show less severe symptoms or damage than susceptible plant varieties when grown under similar environmental conditions and/or pest pressure.
Resistance Coding is based on Pathogen Codes of the International Seed Federation.