High-Quality Pepper Varieties – Now Available to You!

You’ve never seen colors this bright.

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Our expanded pepper portfolio now includes some excellent product options for the Eastern US – previously featured as limited market availability.

Each of these four colorful peppers boasts our patented XR technology – resistance to bacterial leaf spot – as well as other natural resistances to create optimal disease resistance packages. That, in combination with vibrant colors and high-yield potential, make these attractive options for any operation in the region. See the website for more details about the varieties, and to help decide which would be the right fit for you.

We’re committed to innovative breeding and bringing forward the right varieties for your challenges. Contact your local sales and agronomy teams to discuss what varieties are optimal for your farm. 

Additional Information

 Tm: 0-3: Tobamovirus

X10R® technology provides intermediate resistance to bacterial leaf spot races 0-10. X5R® technology provides high resistance to bacterial leaf spot races 0-5 and 7-9. HR = High Resistance. IR = Intermediate Resistance. To find out more about disease resistance and the applicable levels of disease resistance, visit www.worldseed.org, and view the “Definition of the Terms Describing the Reaction of Plants to Pests for the Vegetable Industry” paper in the Vegetable Resources section.

Performance may vary from location to location and from year to year, as local growing, soil and weather conditions may vary. Growers should evaluate data from multiple locations and years whenever possible and should consider the impacts of these conditions on the grower’s fields. Any recommendations provided on this material are based upon field observations and feedback received from a limited number of trials and geographies. These recommendations should be considered as one reference point and should not be substituted for the professional opinion of agronomists, entomologists or other relevant experts evaluating specific conditions.

Bayer, Bayer Cross, Seminis®, X10R® and X5R® are registered trademarks of Bayer Group. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. ©2023 Bayer Group. All rights reserved. 


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