Introducing our new white cauliflower which has less curd cover than traditional varieties making the curd easier to see at harvest while still staying white.
The name Curdivex® originated from the most important traits in the cauliflower:
1.) The white curd
2.) A diverse set of unique genetic traits
3.) Flexibility at harvest
Together they form the umbrella brand Curdivex®. The most important characteristic of this new Curdivex® series is the white curd. The benefits and most important properties of the cauliflower variety brand are immediately visible in the logo that we have developed.

The most important characteristics of Curdivex®
- Curdivex® cauliflowers are white and easy to harvest
- Have uniform maturity – for less harvest passes and faster crop turnaround
- Are easier to harvest – have high heads with less curd cover
- Excellent shelf life – the curd will stay whiter for longer
- Cost savings – because the curd no longer needs to be covered (Netherlands)

Meindert Boon, brassica breeder at Seminis explains in below video the Curdivex ® range and the special characteristics : White, bright and easy to harvest !
Whitex (SVAC7366) is the first variety from our Curdivex® portfolio which we launched on the European market in September 2018. Whitex matures approximately 2 days later than Freedom and can be harvested from mid-June to the end of September. Due to the open habit of this variety the top of the curd is easy to see and therefore more efficient to harvest. The whiter curd colour also gives better field holding in the summer months and has the added advantage of improved shelf life in the store.
Want to know more about Whitex? Click on below brochure to read more:
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