News Release
Vegetables by Bayer has announced a new partnership for its flagship melon variety OrangeCandy
Melbourne, 30 October 2023 – Bayer has chosen Capogreco Farms as its new exclusive partner for the Australian production and sale of OrangeCandy® melons, for domestic and export markets.
OrangeCandy is an Amarillo-type melon and has its origins in Bayer’s melon program from Spain. Its smooth, yellow skin is an absolute standout on shelves in supermarkets and grocery stores. Naturally sweet, OrangeCandy flesh has a sherbet-like taste and crispy texture making it a favourite for consumers, young and old.
Darren Wood, Bayer Vegetable Seeds Commercial Lead ANZ, said the multi-year agreement was brokered following an extensive review of domestic and export market potential, and local growing conditions and capacity.
“Capogreco Farms has industry leading pack house facilities, global trading experience, and operations across multiple growing locations, which will enable the year-round supply of OrangeCandy for Australian consumers and export markets,” Mr Wood said.
“We are excited to work with Capogreco Farms on this new partnership to bring the unique eating experience of OrangeCandy to households across Australia and abroad.
“Vegetables by Bayer thanks Rapisarda Farms for its development of OrangeCandy since it was first commercialised in Australia in 2017,” Mr Wood said.
Capogreco Farms has exclusive access to OrangeCandy seed and use of the OrangeCandy logo and trademark.
OrangeCandy® is a Registered Trademark of the Bayer Group