- Close path for crop work directly:
- one path before the working direction
- two paths after the spot
- Find out how far the spreading is in the glasshouse: take leaf samples.
- ToBRFV self-test can be used: less sensitive but results available in minutes.
- qPCR tests can be used: more sensitive but results available within a few days (laboratory).

Examples of best practices after a ToBRFV positive test result*
Early detection is key in preventing the spread of ToBRFV. Some measures might seem rigorous, but by taking these measures you can significantly lower ToBRFV pressure and spreading which helps to potentially exterminate it.
All employees should be aware of ToBRFV symptoms and should notify the manager immediately when a suspicious plant has been found. Please be aware that as long as the quarantine status is active in the EU, any company analyzing samples resulting in a positive result must alert governmental institutions.
When spot(s) are located and paths are closed

Remove drippers from the closed paths.
When plants are wilted, they should be taken down, put in plastic bags, and sealed.

Dedicated people wear additional hygiene gear: shoe covers, gloves, hair net, overall.
Continue removing complete rows before and after the spot till 5% of the plants in that department are removed.

When new spots occur, and more than 5% of the plants are already removed, new infections are tackled by removing 30 plants before and after the infected plants on a gutter. As well as plants on adjacent gutters.
Trolleys should be sprayed with disinfection fluid before moving to another path.

Disinfect harvest trolleys and crates after delivering the fruits to the storage/ packaging facility.
Pruning knives should be dipped in a disinfectant solution after every 5-10 plants.

Employees working in contaminated areas should not work in clean areas of the glasshouse.
Crop workers should also use gloves and dip their hands in a disinfectant solution after every plant. Dispose of gloves in dedicated bins after each path.
*These recommendations should be considered as one reference point and should not be substituted for individual assessment of such industry guidelines and best practices, along with the professional opinion of relevant experts evaluating specific circumstances.
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