Disease guide


Causal Agent

Orobanche species


Asia, Central America, Europe, India, Mediterranean region, Middle East, Pakistan and USA


The first noticeable sign of broomrape is the appearance of whitish-yellow shoots at the base of the infected plant. When the soil is removed, the broomrape roots are found to be attached to the roots of the tomato plant. Later, these yellow snapdragon-like parasitic plants will produce flowers, and as the plant matures it turns brown and the seed capsules release tiny, black seeds.

Broomrape growing on roots. Broomrape growing on roots.

Conditions for Development

Broomrape seeds may lie dormant in the soil for more than 20 years. The root exudates from host plants stimulate germination and the young seedling attaches its roots to the roots of its host, from which it extracts nutrients to grow and reproduce. After flowering,very small seeds are produced that can be distributed on cultivation equipment and in irrigation water, both between and within fields. Conditions favorable for tomato plant growth also favor broomrape growth and parasitism.



Fumigation and crop rotation, in conjunction with good sanitation practices such as removing and destroying any affected plants along with the broomrape, can help reduce losses from this parasite.

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